
Published books

Weaving Bands

Weaving Equipment

Interesting blogs

My articles

I have written a number of articles about weaving.

Archaeological Textiles Newsletter

Archaeological Textiles Newsletter is now the Archaeological Textile Review and is published annually. It is not expensive to subscribe and the articles are fascinating.  Lots of full colour illustrations.

Foulkes, S J (2011) Roman Rigid Heddles: a Survey, Archaeological Textiles Newsletter, 52, pages 41 – 47
The newsletter containing this article is available as a free download from: Archaeological Textiles Newsletter at     Previous newsletters are also available to download.

Handwoven magazine is published by Interweave Press.

  • Foulkes, S J (2013) The Sámi People and their Weaving, Handwoven, March/April, Vol 164, No 2 pages 36 – 40
  • Foulkes, S J (2014) The Heart of the Swedish Band Weaving Tradition, Handwoven,  Nov/Dec, Vol 172, No 5 pages 66 -68  This article was accompanied by a Baltic Hearts Tea Towels Weaving pattern.  It is available to purchase and download from:
  • Foulkes, S.J. (2022) Leftover dish towels - a pattern for dish towels Handwoven magazine Jan - Feb, 2022 pages 66 - 68
  • Foulkes, S. J. (2021) Narrow bands, Skilful hands, Little Looms - Handwoven magazine, Pages 16 - 20.
  • Foulkes, S, J. (2024)Two Bookmarks inspired by the Book of Kells   Little Looms,  Summer 2024, 48 - 50

Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers.

This is the Journal for the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers in the UK.

  • Foulkes, S J (2009) Rameses Girdle: a weaving marvel, Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, 230, Summer 2009, pages 22 – 26. 
  • Foulkes, S J (2010) Roman Silk Block DamasksJournal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, 233, Spring 2010,  pages 26-29   If you want to read my full article, it is available as a  free  download from: Type my name into the search box.
  • Foulkes, S J (2010) Travels with my Rigid HeddleJournal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, Winter, 236, Winter 2010,  pages 11 - 14
  • Foulkes, S J (2013)Tantalising Tassels and Appealing Pom Poms:  Making Swedish Woven bands SwingJournal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers245, Spring 2013, pages 18 - 21
  • Foulkes, S J (2016) The Russian Museum of Ethnology, St Petersburg, Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, 259, Autumn 2016, pages 30 - 33
  • Foulkes, S J (2017) The Crios: a weaver's quest, Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, 264, Winter 2017
  • Foulkes, S. J. & Takagi, Tamaki 2020 Researching Sanada-himo; the traditional Japanese woven band. Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, 276, Winter 2020, Pages 32 - 35 
  • Foulkes, S.J. (2023) The Weaving Disc - an exploration of history and uses. Part 1. Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, 285, Spring  2023, Pages 16 - 18. 

Strands – The Journal of the Braid Society

Strands is the annual Journal published by The Braid Society. Back copies can be purchased from the Braid Society
  • Foulkes S J (2011) The Sámi Weaving TraditionStrands – The Journal of the Braid Society , issue 18, pages 13 - 18
  • Foulkes, S J (2015) The Lielvārde Belt: history, myth and national identityStrands – The Journal of the Braid Society , issue 22, pages 5 - 11
  • Foulkes, S.J. (2018) Aran Island Criosanna: History in the makingStrands – The Journal of the Braid Society , issue 25, pages 12 - 20.
  • Foulkes, S.J. & Takagi, Tamaki. (2021) Tubular Sanada-Himo: Ninja Survival Cord?, Strands - The Journal of the Braid Society, issue 28, 20 - 23
  • Foulkes, S. J. (2021) The Joys of Researching Textiles, Strands – The Journal of the Braid Society, issue 28. Pp 12- 19
  • Foulkes, S.J. (2022) A Mystery Weaving Disc, Strands – The Journal of the Braid Society, October 2022 issue 29, pages 14 - 17.

Third International Conference Proceedings: Braids 2016 Tacoma USA

I have one article in the Proceedings:

Foulkes, S J (2016) Craft, Individuality and Design, Pp 115 - 120. in  Braids, Bands & Beyond - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Braiding  ed R Spady ISBN 978-0-9573127-1-5, The Braid Society. Pages 115-120 This can be purchased from the Braid Society.

Available from:

The Fourth International Conference was held in Iga Japan in October 2019. 

Publication:   Advances in Kumihimo and Fiber Arts - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Braiding     Braids 2019  (eds) Koichi Hirosawa and Makiko Tada

ISBN 9784925252232, The Kumihimo Society, 2019 

Available from

'The proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Braiding are another volume of articles that are incomparable.  The keynote speakers and tutors have all contributed articles that demonstrate their expertise in the subjects on which they write.  Articles cover kumihimo and other types of braids such as ply split braiding, sprang and woven bands.  With 31 contributing authors this book is another treasure for your shelves.  The contents are timeless and will stimulate readers for many years to come.'

If you are in the USA, you may want to purchase this book and the Exhibition book from

I was fortunate to be one of the four keynote speakers and I  have two articles in the Proceedings:

Foulkes, S J (2019) Motifs, mementos, and messages: how meaning is conveyed in woven belts and bands from around the Baltic, Pp 132 - 137

Foulkes, S J (2019) Simple and Complex: The Craft of Weaving Bands in Northern Europe, Pp 13 - 20.

Fifth International Conference Proceedings Nordic and World Braids and Bands 2022.

Foulkes, S.J. (2022) Weaving a Belt with the Sigga Heddle, Pp. 139 - 143.

The Proceedings are now for sale at £38 plus postage and packing on the website, under books.   This book which is 234 pages has 45 contributing authors   

Alternatively, you can  email  stating:
  • Which book(s) you require
  • Where in the world the package should be sent
  • Whether you will pay by Paypal (preferred) or alternatively by cheque or direct bank transfer.

Väv Magasinet

Väv Magasinet is the Scandinavian Weaving Magazine. 

Foulkes, S J (2011) Striped twill handtowel and woven hanging tag, Väv Magasinet, 1/11 Page 50 - 51.

I also have a project in the book Nordic Hands: 25 Fiber Craft Projects to Discover Scandinavian Culture, published by Schiffer,  by Anita Osterberg about Nordic culture through pictures, crafts and stories.


I share some of my articles on


  1. I am researching Norwegian Sami culture. Do your books cover this? Does your newest book ‘Weaving Patterned Bands’ replicate your previous books on Sami bandweaving? Many thanks.

  2. Thank you for posting. My book Weaving Pattern Bands covers only bands with 5, 7 and 9 pattern threads. I hoped to provide a detailed introduction to this style of weaving. It does not cover the same ground as my books on Sami band weaving. There are two excellent books published in Norway about traditional Sami weaving. I am away from home right now but I will get back to you when I return . Good luck with the research on this wonderful culture.


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