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Band Weaving Equipment


Here is a new outlet for the Sunna heddle in the UK

Handweavers Studio now sell the Stoorstalka heddles and shuttles.

They sell rigid heddles, inkle looms and yarn in very useful small amounts.Their shop is an Aladdin's cave.  Well worth browsing the online shop or better still visit their beautiful shop in London.

Stoorstålka, Sweden and Online

Stoorstålka sell rigid heddles and shuttles for weaving narrow bands. They ship items worldwide. They supply double slotted heddles (the Sunna heddle) and double holed heddles (the Beavi heddle) as well as standard heddles with long slots and holes. Their web site is

If you are in the USA, Canada, Australia or Japan,  Stoorstålka have a dedicated web site at

For Norway go to

This is the double slotted Sunna heddle. This heddle has 13 shorter slots for pattern threads.

The Sunna XL double slotted heddle has 17 shorter slots for pattern threads.

The Gehpa curved shuttle is ideal for making the picks ups for weaving patterns. This is a traditional shape for Sámi shuttles. 

Band weaving kit for the Sigga heddle.

Stoorstalka now produce a band kit for the 8 pattern slot Sigga heddle.  It contains everything that you need to start weaving.  An ideal present for the beginner weaver.


Double slotted heddles and the Gepha shuttle are also stocked by The Woolery in the USA
go to  They have a great selection of yarns for weaving.
recently they invited me to write a guest blog.  Here is the link. 


Spinnvilt is a place for weavers to visit when  in Oslo. They have the full range of equipment from Storrstalka.




This shop in Boras in Sweden is owned by seven handweavers. There are more than 30 artisans and craft people who sell their crafts at the Vävkompaniet hand craft shop. They have a lovely selection of carved wooden heddles, such as the bird heddle pictured above.  They also sell the useful band lock for weaving with a backstrap.

They ship worldwide.

The bird heddle made by  Åke Erlandsson.

The heart heddle made by  Åke Erlandsson

The beautiful carved wooden heddles are made by Åke Erlandsson, who is eighty years old. He also makes a lovely heddle with a cut out heart shape as well as the bird heddle pictured above. 

Here is a close up of the band lock.

a lucet and curved shuttle.

Gunnar Karro

Gunnar is a wonderful worker of wood.  He has a outlet on Etsy, as many of you know, for handmade weaving supplies.

I was privileged to meet Gunnar in Tartuu, Estonia. I could not resist buying some more items of weaving equipment and ordered a heddle and a shuttle.

Here are two examples of his lovely work. The feel of the smooth wood and the lovely colours of the grain are delightful. My photograph does not do them justice.

My new heddle, shuttle and heddle stand are wonderful. The stand is ideal for holding the heddle when threading the warp.

The heddle stand holds the heddle and the shuttle.

Swedish Band Loom

This is my Swedish band loom.  It was the first loom I bought when I started to weave.  It is made by Robert Myrehed.  These looms are now more widely available.

My wonderful band loom

In the UK, The Threashing Barn sells the Glimakra Band Loom.

In the USA, the Woolery  sells the Glimakra Band Loom.

Here is the Glimakra website;

I made a YouTube video showing how I use my loom.

The loom from Leksand does not have floor pedals. Here is a lovely video showing weaving  narrow band weaving.

New Type of Standard Heddle

I was sent this link to a YouTube video. You will need to skip the adverts.  It shows an ingenious design for a heddle. It enables the heddle to be warped easily . The way of weaving is unfamiliar way of weaving but it seems to work. It is always fascinating to see new ways of working.

The BandlweBär is the ingenious Inkle Loom from the inventor's workshop

I have used the heddle for making a hanging tag for a tea towel.  It was very quick to warp.

The Loomy Bin

At the International Conference on Braiding in July 2016, I was given a beautiful shuttle from Don Betterley.  Here is the sales table at the conference.

 Gudrun Polak's card weaving website is the Loomy Bin which  shows the tablet weaving loom which is very popular.

Here is a selection of Don's range of shuttles and other small wooden tools. Woods are all sustainable & approved hardwoods; rosewoods, bubinga, walnut, bloodwood (satine), cherry, maple, indigo dyed maple.  Finish is a natural beeswax, carnauba wax & orange oil. For prices contact Don at his email address.
From Don Betterley:

 Don Betterley curved shuttle put to good use weaving a Sanada-Himo band.

Computer program from Fiberworks

For planning my weaving I use an excellent computer program from Fiberworks.    
I use it to record my analysis of band patterns and also for weaving on my Megado loom.


  1. Susan, I would love to know what the little things are that you use to secure the ends of your lease sticks. I feel like I've seen them before, but can't recall what they are. Can you enlighten me, please? Thank you

    1. Hello Jean,
      In the UK they are called treasury tags and can be bought in stationery shops. They are two metal pegs which are connected by a cord. I use the ones with the longest cord. You can just tie the two lease sticks together but the treasury tags are quicker to attach and undo.

      Happy weaving


  2. Are your ebooks available in a format for Windows PC?

  3. Helloi Erica

    I am afraid not - Blurb books only uses the format for IPad and Apple.


  4. Hi Susan,
    I've been following your blog and watching all your videos on band weaving for several months now. I'll be receiving a couple of your books and some equipment from Stoorstålka for an upcoming birthday. I can't wait to get started. In the meanwhile I was trying to figure out how to email you directly because I have a couple of questions. Can you tell me how to reach you via email?
    Chapel Hill, NC

    1. Hi. I am so pleased that you have become interested in weaving narrow bands. It is an engrossing topic.
      I am pleased to answer any queries on the blog but I don't give out my email address on the blog.
      I am a member of the Braid Society
      It has a great deal for long haul members and you get a really informative Journal once a year. If you do decide to join, you do get a list of all members and their contact details.

      with best wishes and happy weaving on your birthday


    2. I forgot to mention that there is an open facebook group for the Braid Society. at

      best wishes


  5. Re: The double-slot heddle, the double-hole heddle & the sigga heddle...are each used for different types of band weaving?

  6. Re: The double-slot heddle, the double-hole heddle & the sigga heddle...are each used for different types of band pattern weaving?

  7. Yes they are. Each type of heddle has a different weave structure.

  8. I read your blog on daily basis. This is really great and informative post. Thanks for sharing.
    Handweaving Equipment

  9. Hello Susan,
    I was wondering about the Swedish band loom (the large one shown in your video "Five ways of weaving narrow bands"). May I ask what brand it is / where you bought it from?
    I'm only just starting out, but I hope to make larger quantities of band eventually.

  10. Hi I do not know which country you are from. here is a link to the Woolery in the States
    They sell the Glimakra loom from Sweden. In the UK you can buy them here
    I hope this helps

  11. I have bee asked to make SAMI Leg bands for a friend. I have a rigid heddle loom already and can weave a little.I am looking for your book on SAMI bands or even better an online tutorial for them. Is there anything you can sign post me to please? Thankyou, I can't wait to get started they are beautiful. Zarla

  12. hi what a wonderful commission. Here is one of my YouTube videos about weaving patterned bands.
    Weaving a Patterned Band on a Floor Inkle Loom
    My book Weaving patterned bands how to create and design with 5, 7 and 9 pattern threads tells you how to weave patterns. It is available from Amazon and Stoorstalka.I have published two small books about Sami band weaving published by Look on the section on my books about weaving on this blog. One is called Sami band Weaving the other is called Weaving Sami bands. They are also available from Stoorstalka. I hope this is useful. I am sure your friend will be very pleased.
    Susan J Foulkes

  13. I just received you book, weaving patterned bands. It is lovely and I am ready to get started. I have an inkle loom and a double slotted shuttle.
    I am interested in learning what yarns you use. I e looked in the book and here on this blog spot, but haven’t found it yet.
    Would you point me in the right direction?
    Joan van Velsor


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