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Monday 1 November 2021

Simple Band Weaving for Christmas

 Simple Band Weaving for Christmas 

The three week workshop will run from 1 – 19 November 2021 with Zoom sessions on Tuesdays 2, 9 and 16 November 2021. Instructions, equipment and materials lists are posted on BraidsandBands 

My workshop will run for 2 weeks on Braids and Bands and then for one further week, for Braid Society members only, via the Braids Workshop Forum in the Members’ Area of the Society’s website. 

Why not join the Braid Society? There is an excellent Journal Strands and you get access to international conferences and online workshops. You can also give membership as a gift. What a wonderful Christmas present!

Do check out the Braid Society home page at

I thought that it would be interesting to share another idea for using woven bands at Christmas.  I correspond with an American weaver who is very skilled and enjoys trying new things.  For several years Nancy has sent me decorations for my Christmas tree.  My Christmas tree is a memory tree of friendships and past holidays. It is so exciting decorating the tree each December because each hanging item brings back happy memories. 

Here are two hanging decorations made by Nancy who gave me permission to use them in my blog.

It is such a simple idea and they sparkle on the tree. They are woven with 13 pattern threads with glitter yarn as the pattern thread on a background of plain cotton.  Each end is sealed in a small tape and then folded over. 

Here is the pattern for the central star. 

Nancy wove other more complex patterns as hangings which are larger. One has 21 pattern threads in an everlasting knot pattern. 

Making a bookmark.

I decided to weave a narrow band in 16/2 cotton with a pattern of sparkly stars using 9 pattern threads. I used two designs.  Here is the design for the gold star with 9 pattern threads.

I used 11 border threads - 2 green, 3 red, 2 green and 4 white then the central section with  9 pattern threads in gold yarn then 4 white, 2 green, 3 red and 2 green. There are 2 white threads in between each pattern thread. The band width is 14 mm.

The second design is number 9.9 in my book Weaving Patterned Bands.  For this band I used a silver yarn Ricorumi dk from Fred Aldous and Company. It comes in a variety of colours. The silver is a polyester and nylon mix. 

I used 11 border threads - 2 emerald green, 1 red, 2 mid green, 1 red, 2 light green, 1 red, 2 emerald green then the central section with 9 pattern threads, then the border 2 emerald green, 1 red, 2 light green, 1 red, 2 medium green, 1 red, 2 emerald green. The band width is 14 mm.  I used the band to make a Christmas tree decoration. 

I wove two bookmarks with this design. Each bookmark has the name of the person woven in the centre. An excellent gift for a weaver.  My book Weaving Patterned Bands: How to create and design with 5, 7 and 9 pattern threads has over 140 patterns for you to try. It is published by Schiffer Press and it is available from Amazon and craft shops. Bookmarks and friendship bracelets are on pages 114 - 115

Two bookmarks

Here are the two bookmarks for Camilla and Amelie with silver stars. Bookmarks are quick and easy to make and are such a personal present for Christmas - particularly for a bookworm!  The bookmark is secured at the beginning by using the tail of the first weft pick as a second weft for the next three or four picks.  This secures the weft so that the beginning of the band will not unravel. The centre section can be as long as you like. The end of the band is plaited so the it can hang out from the book. This plait also secures the end. 

You do not have to weave a message - a simple band will do. 

I have written a booklet for 9 pattern threads Weaving Messages: numbers and alphabet with 9 pattern threads which is available from   It is available as an ebook for an IPad, a printed booklet or an instant  PDF version

Happy Weaving.  I do hope that you will enjoy making items for Christmas. A personalised woven gift can mean so much.

Susan J Foulkes 1st November 2021

The latest edition of Strands - the Journal of the Braid Society has just been published. It is sent to all members - another reason to join the Braid Society. It is illustrated with beautiful colour photographs.

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