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Monday 20 April 2020

Mexican Stripes - an inspiration

Last year I visited Mexico for the first time.  We spent a week in Mexico City and then had a short tour of the south.  We wanted to see the mural art in Mexico City. These huge murals are on the walls in various buildings so can only be seen in situ.

What is so stunning in Mexico is the use of colour.

 Our hotel was conveniently near the National Monument and we had a delightful walk to the Archaeology Museum which is in a huge park.  On Sundays. the main road up to the park is closed to traffic so everyone was out walking, running, strolling and generally socialising. The park was full of stalls, entertainment and families out for a social stroll.

These security straps were for parents. The crowds were so great that to have your small child attached to you by a strap was reassuring.

Even the place settings in one restaurant had beautiful stripes on the table runners.

Even place settings are colourful

This is a wonderful bag stall.  I bought a few to give to friends.  I love the way that the warp ends have been made into a handle.

Woven sashes in warp faced plain weave using one colour only.
This is a group of woven belts - all warp faced but in one colour only.  Together they make a lovely bright display.  So many colourful stripes everywhere.


I am running an online workshop for the Braid Society on the Braids and Bands io group and these blogs are part of the workshop. The workshop will start on May 1st and will run for three weeks.

My blog for each week of the workshop will give more band patterns for you to try.  The first post will be on May 1st, the second on May 8th and the third on May 15th.

Do check out my YouTube video about weaving this type of band.

YouTube:  Five Ways of Weaving Narrow Bands.  


The workshop starting on May 1st will be examining simple stripe patterns in warp-faced weave bands.  No pick up is involved so the bands are easy to weave on a variety of equipment.  We will be looking at some easy ways to design your own patterns, so look out for striped pictures for inspiration.
I have a board in Pinterest called Stripes.  I put any picture of stripes that I find on this board.  There are lots of similar boards devised by others.  Why not do some exploring yourself?  Find some striped patterns that you like. They will be sources of inspiration.

Books about simple band weaving

Here are some books which look at plain weave warp-faced bands .

The Braid Society has books for sale .

Unfortunately, book sales are suspended due to the coronavirus but do check them out later.

Steve Kennett     The book is available from his site.

Making Inkle Braids An introduction to weaving inkle braids

ISBN self published, Steve Kennett, 2017

The book starts with an introduction to inkle looms and basic instructions.  It then progresses to warping for patterns, then pick up and drop down for patterning with some ideas for use. He also looks at the pros and cons of using different types of yarn. The book is clearly illustrated with diagrams and photographs.

Annie MacHale has her book In Celebration of Plain Weave, for sale on her site.

It is also available as a PDF download.

Here is her blog.  This month she is offering a tutorial about pick up patterns.  Its great - do check it out.

Annies enthusiasm for inkle weaving is infectious. The book has over 100 patterns in the  most glorious colour combinations for 39, 59 and 79 warp threads. I could hardly wait to try one of her patterns.  The layout of the book is very user friendly and the patterns are large and clear to read. 

Check out my review on my blog. 

Susan J Foulkes  The Art of Simple Band Weaving 

My self-published book The Art of Simple Band Weaving covers bands like the Sanada Himo bands.  It is available from in print or a ebook version for the IPad.

Check out my blog at:

Happy weaving and stay safe.

Susan J Foulkes  April 2020

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