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Monday 1 October 2018

Weaving bands with 7 pattern threads

With the 9 pattern slot heddle you can also weave patterns with 5 and 7 pattern threads.

Here is a sample I wove showing three patterns. The first has 9 pattern threads. I removed two pattern threads and some border threads for the next pattern for 7 pattern threads. The final example has just 5 pattern threads.

5, 7 and 9 thread patterns on one warp

Threading chart for 7 pattern threads. 

Here is the threading chart for 7 pattern threads when using a 9 pattern slot heddle.

 Threading chart for 7 pattern threads when using a 9 pattern slot heddle

Note that there are two empty slots and holes on each side marked with X.
7 pattern thread chart

Here is the pattern chart for a 7 pattern design of noughts and crosses.

Remember that only the coloured pattern threads appear on the chart. These are the threads that will be picked up to appear on the surface of the band.

close up of 5 and 7 pattern thread bands on one warp
I made many bookmarks to send to booksellers to accompany my book.

Bookmark with 7 pattern threads. 

Here is the pattern for the bookmark with 7 pattern threads. This pattern is not in my book.

 There are 48 picks in the pattern repeat.

Some 7 pattern thread bookmarks.
Why not try this pattern for yourself? Varying the colours of the pattern threads and the border can dramatically alter the look of the band.

Using a 13 pattern slot heddle.

here is the threading chart for a 13 pattern slot heddle for a band with only 7 pattern threads. All the grey slots and holes are empty. There are only 2 border threads on each side of the pattern threads. 

using a 13 pattern slot heddle for 7 pattern threads. 

Using a Sunna double slotted heddle with 7 pattern threads.

The double slotted heddle is available in a smaller size of  7 shorter slots for patterns threads.  This heddle can be used with a back strap, in a box loom or on a larger inkle loom.

The Sunna heddle with 7 pattern slots set up to weave with a backstrap.

Here is a portion of the graphic design which I saw on a  Weave Fair poster.

This pattern can be looked at in two ways; one with a pink pattern and one with a black pattern.

On the left is the pattern draft for 7 pink pattern threads. The pattern threads are twice as thick as the background and weft threads.The weft thread is black and shows at the pink selvedge as a black dot.  There are 36 picks for the pattern repeat.

The pink pattern is on a black background.

On the right is the pattern draft  for 7 black pattern threads.  The pattern threads are twice as thick as the background and weft thread. The weft is pink and shows at the black selvedge as a pink dot.

The black pattern is on a pink background.

Can you see how the two patterns are related?

It is easier to see when you examine the woven bands.

Two faces of the pink pattern.

Two faces of the black pattern.

As you can see, the two patterns are the same.  It depends upon which design is woven on the top.

Here is the threading diagram for the 7 pattern slot Sunna double slotted heddle.

Threading for the 7 Sunna double slotted heddle.

The 7 pattern threads are numbered and are indicated in red.  They should be at least twice as thick as the background and border threads.  You can use as many border threads as there are slots and holes in the heddle.

If you wish to use a standard heddle or an inkle loom, here is the threading.

Threading for a standard heddle or an inkle loom.
For an inkle loom, the heddled threads are indicated by the hole and the unheddled threads by the slot. Note that the centre pattern thread is always threaded through the centre hole in the heddle. When you raise the heddle, the centre pattern thread 4 (and pattern threads 2 and 6) will appear on the surface.  When using the pattern draft, you may have to bring up a pattern thread from the bottom layer or push down a pattern thread from the top layer to weave the pattern.  See my YouTube video: Weaving narrow warp faced bands.

Happy weaving.

My book has 45 pattern charts for 7 thread patterns. Plenty to choose from and you now have an additional pattern.

'More than 140 patterns are included, along with principles for planning your own unique designs for contemporary uses such as straps, belts, bracelets, and even handfasting bands. The breathtaking range of colorful bands woven in Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Norway are explored and offer additional inspiration.'

You can order this book on Amazon and from the Book Depository UK.

In the USA, it is available from The Woolery who are based in Frankfort, Kentucky:

Susan J Foulkes October 2018

18th October 2018

I was invited to write a blog post for the Woolery in the USA.  Here is the link

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