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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Exploring colour and band weaving (2)

In my book, The Art of band Weaving, I described a way of designing colour stripes for bands.

Using a colour strip from the photograph.

I enjoy experimenting with colour. I thought that I would use my own method to design a stripe pattern for a woven band from this picture.

View across Framwellgate Bridge near my home.

I isolated a strip from the photograph.  This can be done at any angle. The resulting colour strip I took is here.

colour strip from photograph
The colours of the restaurant and the greenery with the autumn leaves combined with the grey stonework of the bridge are striking.

The range of cottons to match the colours in the strip.

1.  Here is my first attempt to combine these colours into a band design

There are  61 warp ends using 16/2 cotton.

Here is the woven band. This is the first design.

2.  I decided to vary the design by omitting one of the yellow stripes in the centre. I think that the second design is more dramatic. There are 56 warp ends in this band.

3.  For the third design I removed the brown stripes and made the yellow stripe in the centre smaller. There are 54 warp ends in this band.

4. I thought that I would look at an asymmetrical design. Here is the drawdown with 37 warp ends.

Which design do you prefer?

This was a very informative exercise.  I love designing bands as I can play with colour and make combinations easily.

Happy Weaving.  Enjoy exploring colour and designing your own bands.

Susan J Foulkes  August 2017


  1. Thank you very much for this.

    Herzlichen Dank für diesen Beitrag. Die Farben sind wunderbar.

    Liebe Grüße von Ate

  2. Oh I really like the asymmetric design! Seeing the photo strip with the colors arranged asymmetrically right away I thought that would be beautiful and unusual. I'm so glad you did one that way. They are all beautiful, but the last one is my favorite.

    1. Thank you. I love symmetry and I have to try hard to design asymmetrical designs. This method does give me ideas and I am pleased with the result.
      Susan J Foulkes


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