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Tuesday 1 September 2015

AGWSD Summer School Part Two

The Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Summer School, part two

Th second workshop built on the skills acquired on the first.  Four new students arrived to take the place of four who booked only for the first workshop.

The double slotted heddle works well on a rigid heddle loom.

On the final day, there was a display of student work. I wish that I had taken more photographs, but I was so engrossed in the teaching that I kept forgetting to take out my camera.

Part of the display.
Barbara took many lovely pictures of the woven bands.  Here is a selection.

The woven bands were pinned up on the wall.  Each band told the story of the week.  From first hesitant beginnings and wobbly edges to neat crisp patterns by the end.

The students worked very hard and gained the skills to carry on their interest in this lovely craft.

The band on the left has a decorative tassel typical of Lithuanian bands.


Two Sami zig zag plaits and
 a decorative figure on the end of one band.

The band lock is very useful.

Some bookmarks and samples

Thank you Barbara for sharing these lovely photographs.

In addition to being a class member, Barbara was also the class prefect.  Every morning she would read out the notices from the office about the arrangements for the day. It was an entertaining start to every day.

Thank you again.

Party Like It’s 1955

Finally, the evening entertainment 1950's style, Elvis and rock and roll. 

A parade of the 1950's costumes: circular skirts and frilly petticoats.

Moreton Morrell Hall

On Sunday morning, I wandered around the grounds. Moreton Morrell Hall was built in 1906 in the style of William and Anne.  Unfortunately, there was a fire some years ago and some of the main hall cannot be used.  A previous Summer School had been held in the Hall itself.  Now, there is a general air of neglect around the once beautiful gardens..

Moreton Morrell Hall

The walls and seats are broken

The neglected lily pond. 

The back of the Hall.

The view across the lawn and across the surrounding countryside
 should be magnificent but is now blocked by trees. 

The abandoned and overgrown terrace
This pretty fountain is surrounded by green lifeless pond..


The nymph is being transformed like Daphne into a bush.

I had a wonderful week.  The students were all enthusiastic and interested, although I had over-prepared and taken far too many activities for them to try. I am already looking forward to the next summer school - perhaps as a student after seeing the activities on offer in other classrooms.

Susan J Foulkes September 2015

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