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Friday 11 July 2014

Workshop: weaving with a double slotted heddle.

Weaving Hearts and Flowers

Recently, I ran a workshop for the Derbyshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. This Guild was established in 1977. They are a lively group who are keen to learn new skills.  They have a very industrious group of spinners as well as weavers as you can see from this photograph.

Three keen weavers

The workshop is based around weaving narrow patterned bands using a double slotted heddle.  I have put together a set of patterns for hearts and flowers which are very popular.

Last year, I ran a workshop for the Guild about weaving on the inkle loom. They were keen to try out this new design of heddle and invited me back this year to run another workshop.

The double slotted (Sunna) heddle in an Ashford Knitters loom.

One member brought her Ashford Knitters loom on a stand.  The double slotted heddle fits comfortably in the loom.  It hangs free on the warp and is lifted and lowered quite easily. As you can see, she has already woven several flower motifs.

Consulting the weaving draft.
Patterns for the workshop had been enlarged so that they could easily be seen and followed whilst weaving.

A picture of concentration.
Beautiful Baltic flower motifs. 

Fortunately, the village hall has window ledges at a convenient height for fastening the end of the warp.  This makes for a more comfortable weaving position.

I enjoyed the day and I was thrilled that some of the Guild members who had never woven narrow patterned bands before, produced some lovely motifs.

Here is a photograph of me, weaving at home.  As you can see, my window ledge is not as high as the one in the village hall but adequate.

When weaving, it is important to consider posture.  I always remember to get up and stretch at intervals.

Happy weaving!

Durham Weaver  July

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