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Tuesday 1 February 2022

Two lovely books


2018 Zhejiang University Press

This is a very large and heavy book. It is in English and the articles and accompanying illustrations are wonderful. I bought it through Amazon. 

A World of Looms - weaving technology and textile arts is the result of a conference in 2018 in China organised by the Chinese National Silk Museum. The sections cover: China, Japan Korea Southeast Asian looms, India, West Asian looms, African and Madagascar, Ancient European looms, Andean looms, and the Jaquard loom. 

Each article is lavishly illustrated with beautiful photographs.  The conference also invited weavers to demonstrate the range of weaving skills from their countries. 

You can take a virtual tour of the exhibition. Here is the link. You will be redirected to the website. The web address is very long!

 Virtual Museum tour 

What is fascinating is the number of reconstructed models of the looms. I wish I had known about the conference. I would have loved to have been there and meet participants from around the world. 

Another new book

2021 Indiana University Press

I ordered this book on Amazon but it was a few months before it became available.  Again it is beautifully illustrated. The book accompanied an exhibition at the Museum of International Folk Art - Dressing with a Purpose: Belonging and Resistance in Scandinavia.

There are three sections, Sweden, Norway and Sapmi. 

The introduction by Carrie Hertz has pictures taken at the Winter Marknad in Jokkmokk in 2017.  One picture was taken in the Stoorstalka shop. There is also a great picture of Per Niila Stalka and Lotta Stoor.  It brought back memories of my visit in 2020. The annual Marknad is a huge occasion. 

Here is my blog about my own visit to the Marknad just before the pandemic.

It is such a pity that last year and this year as well, the Marknad has had to go digital.

Hopefully, life will get back to normal soon and travelling will be allowed. In the meantime we have virtual tours and digital access and books. 

Workshop in the UK

If you live in the UK, I will be running a workshop at the Pitt Rivers Museum in April. I am looking forward to teaching this fascinating technique for weaving filled cords.  I am busy making items with the cords to show some of the decorative uses for them.  The Pitt Rivers Museum have made the weaving discs which are not available elsewhere. Nowadays, this technique is rarely used but it deserves a wider weaving audience. I am also presenting a workshop for this technique at Nordic and World Braids and Bands 2022 in Denmark. 

Nordic and World Braids and Bands 2022

For the Sigga weaving workshop, participants will have a long warp of Sami band weaving wool to make their own belt.  I have finished weaving a long Sami belt using the Sigga heddle. 

Here is my work in progress using the Sigga heddle.  I had to stretch across the living room to start the belt.  

It is a very long warp. Here is the finished belt for the workshop. Now comes the finishing - making a decorative plait and tassel. 

In the workshop, I will be teaching the method of making this very decorative Sami plait. I have woven short samples for all the participants with long warp ends so that they can practice making this type of plait before trying it on the belt that they will weave. It will be an enjoyable day.

Happy weaving

Susan J Foulkes February 2022