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Sunday 3 November 2019

Braids 2019

I have just returned from Braids 2019 in Japan.  It was a wonderful conference with amazing and creative people.  I tried to write daily posts on my Facebook page so do check it out if you want to see some of the activities that took place.

The Conference Proceedings and the Exhibition catalogue are wonderful. The Conference Proceedings will be available on the Braid Society web page once everyone is back and sorted.

The exhibition was one of the most interesting and beautifully displayed I have seen. The exhibition was open all week and was inside an old school for the children of Samurai. This traditional house was an elegant backdrop for all of the craft examples on display.

The Sukodo

One of the interlinking rooms

I have not yet had time to fully unpack all my things from Japan.  I managed to buy a couple of examples of traditional belts as well as a number of examples of sanada-himo bands.

  I will be writing a more comprehensive blog about Japan later.

At Braids 2019, I taught a workshop about weaving messages on narrow bands. I used the double slotted heddle with 9 pattern slots but the lettering can be done on an inkle loom as well.

Some of my wonderful class concentrating very hard. 

New Book
This is my new book published with Blurb and available as an ebook for IPad or Kindle devices.

new book 

This book gives the patterns for letters and an alphabet for use with 9 pattern threads. It is designed for weavers who have already tried pick up band weaving on the double slotted heddle, the standard heddle or an inkle loom and who do not need the basic instructions.  There are 36 pages in full colour.

Happy weaving

Susan J Foulkes  November 2019